Log Book - Cham Tim Lok - NI HKG

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Log Book - Cham Tim Lok

Cham Tim Lok

Dear Capt Law,

I am very grateful for your help. Yan and I will definitely work very hard to justify your faith in us.

In my Year 1 life, I spent quite a lot of time focusing on the academic criteria, in order to get good results and to broaden my knowledge about maritime studies. I did not pay much attention to interpersonal relationships, and during Year 1 in MSTI I did not make many close friends. I was not satisfied with that, so in Year 2 I spent more time with our classmates. I took meals with them, joined their activities during holidays, and I actively discussed the class materials with my classmates. Gradually I became more involved with them. My time in MSTI will be the very last chance to enjoy being a student, so I will fully utilize this period and consider it as one of the most wonderful of my life.

Class materials are starting to be more difficult compared to Year 1, especially the Code of Signals, and meteorology. I will keep on practicing and revising with Yan and my other classmates. I want to see my friends get good results and graduate together, meeting them somewhere in this marine industry in the future.

Our meteorology test results have been released recently, Yan and I have scored quite a satisfactory result, and we will try our best to keep moving forward.

I have attached photos
of me taken recently. One was taken during the Student Awards Reception 2012, where I fortunately got the Award from Kee Marine Service & Consultant Ltd.

Thanks for looking after Yan and me, and we wish you and other committee members a happy Easter holiday.

Best wishes,
Isaac Chan Tim Lok

Postal Address:

The Nautical Institute Hong Kong Branch
c/o StormGeo Ltd.
3603 Wu Chung House
213 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong - S.A.R  P.R. China
Copyright ©2000 - 2025 The Nautical Institute Hong Kong Branch
8 January 2025
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