archive > Log > Log1990
Hong Kong

An active year

THE BRANCH CHAIRMAN (Captain Tony Jestico, FNI) reported that the last 12 months had been active and productive for the Hong Kong Branch. He stated that the monthly committee meetings had been well attended, with good participation in the topics discussed, and thanked all committee members for their active support, especially the Honorary Secretary who had done so much towards the smooth running of committee business.
He mentioned that seven Branch newsletters were published during the course of the year and that these more than anything else had served to keep members in touch with the Branch and were well received by all concerned. He then on behalf of all members expressed appreciation for the work of the editorial team, led by Paul Owen and ably assisted by Desmond Howell. He also made special mention of Ram's highly successful efforts in selling advertising space in the newsletter.
He went on to say that there had been excellent speakers at Branch meetings during the course of the year. He stated that the highlight of the year was the special meeting on recruitment and training, which broke new ground by being held on a Sunday, and that the Branch had been honoured on that occasion with a visit by Julian Parker, Secretary of the Institute. The importance of this meeting to members was demonstrated by the fact that a total of 36 attended.
Lunchtime meetings, held in the Amethyst Room at the China Fleet Club on the first Friday of each month, continued to be popular with members, he continued, with 18 places being taken up on several occasions. Discussions at the table were unscheduled and consequently wide-ranging; but with nautical matters naturally being to the fore. He thanked Eric Edmondson, who looked after the arrangements for these lunchtime meetings.
Finally the Chairman expressed his sincere thanks to the office bearers for all the work they had put in during the past year: Tony Bromfield, Vice-Chairman, who has now retired and left Hong Kong; Jim Rogers, who took on the office of Honorary Treasurer when Dugald Robson left last summer; and most of all to Paul Owen, who did an enormous amount for the good of the Institute.
Contributed by P. R. Owen, FNI
Seaways August 1990