archive > Log > Log1991
Hong Kong

Another good year for the branch

THE HON BRANCH CHAIRMAN reported that the 12 months ending in May 1991 had been another good year for the HK Branch. The committee has held meetings on a monthly basis and these had been well attended and conducted in a spirit of co-operation and good humour and he thanked all committee members, in particular the Hon. Secretary, for their active support.
He mentioned that six newsletters were published during the course of the year, primarily to advise members of forthcoming events but also to keep everyone in touch with developments. They were all well up to the high standard to which the Branch has become accustomed and many contained interesting articles and reports contributed by members. He then spoke on behalf of members by recording sincere thanks to the Editor, Desmond Howell, assisted by Paul Owen. Although the cost of the newsletter has been increasing, he pointed out that these continue to be offset by the highly successful efforts of the honorary advertising manager, Captain Ramanloorthy, through the sale of advertising space.
He went on to say that six Branch meetings had been held during the past year at which presentations were made by eminent people on a wide range of topics. The speakers were: Commodore Greenfield, the immediate Past-President of the Institute; Captain L. A. Holder, Vice-President; Captain Chris Jenman, of Global Maritime Ltd.; Commander Tim Burne, Royal Navy; Andrew Craig-Bennett, of Swires; Captain Samar Singh, well known for his work with the simulators; and Canon Glyn Jones, general secretary of the Missions to Seamen. Attendance at all these meetings was good. He then indicated the Branch's gratefulness to Steve Chor who had arranged the venue at the Police Officers Club on each occasion.
He added that three successful visits were also arranged during the year to the vessel traffic centre, the Royal Observatory and the HK Salvage and Towage Company's new tugs. The Chairman continued by saying that lunchtime meetings held on the first Friday of each month at the China Fleet Club continued to be popular thanks to Eric Edmondson for his good work in this regard. However, the lunchtime meetings at the Mariners Club at Kwai Chung did not fare so well and had to be cancelled on a number of occasions due to poor support.
Finally, the Chairman expressed his personal thanks to the office bearers for the support they had given him and all the work done during the course of the year: Paul Markland, Vice-chairman; Jim. Rogers, Treasurer; and Paul Owen, who has continued to put a tremendous amount of effort into maintaining this as one of the most active Branches of our Institute.
The following were elected as the office bearers for the coming year:
Chairman: P. M. Markland.
Vice-Chairman: W. A. Codrington.
Hon. Secretary: P. R. Owen.
Hon. Treasurer: J. Rogers.
Contributed by Captain A. M. Jestico, Ex.C, FNI
Seaways August 1991