archive > Log > Log1986
Hong Kong
Comments on ship registry

AT THE FIRST MEETING for the 1985-1986 Institute year the Branch's response to a Government request for comments on the Consultative Paper on the proposed Hong Kong ship register was read and discussed. Branch members who wish to obtain a copy of the response should contact the Honorary Secretary.
The First Annual Dinner Dance was held in the Gloucester Rooms of the Excelsior Hotel. The members who attended and their guests appeared to have enjoyed the occasion. Indeed, a number of guests asked if they could attend next year.
The Honorary Treasurer, Captain Nick Lane, relinquished his office at the end of 1985. Captain E. D. Robson has agreed to step into the breach and serve as Honorary Treasurer until the Annual General Meeting in May, 1986. The Branch thanks Nick Lane for a service well rendered. The Branch has been very fortunate in obtaining the offer from a number of excellent speakers for the coming year. In fact, more speakers offered to present papers or lead discussions than the available number of meetings! The days for meetings alternate between Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is in response to some members' difficulty last year in attending meetings held only on Tuesdays. Moreover, the frequency of meetings has been reduced to approximately every six weeks instead of monthly, again at the request of some members.
Contributed by Captain N. J. Lopez, FNI
Seaways January 1986