archive > Log > Log 1988
Hong Kong
New committee elected

AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the branch, the following were elected into office for the forthcoming year:
Chairman S. H. Pau
Vice-Chairman A. C. Bromfield
Hon. Secretary P. R. Owen
Hon. Treasurer E. D. Robson
Social Secretary D. A. Chadwick
Newsletter A. C. Pyrke - D. A. Chadwick - P. R. Owen - N. Ramamoorthy
HK Govt Ctee 'B' E. H. Farrow
Working Group on Seafarers Licensing E. H. Farrow - S. H. Pau
Support Group E. H. Farrow - A. C. Bromfield - D. A. Chadwick - R.R. Sengupta C. B. Lo - S.H. Pau N. Ramamoorthy.
The new committee thanked those members who had stood down this time—Norman Lopez, Roger Tritton and Peter Wyatt. The branch provides, jointly with the Institute of Sea Transport,one member to the Hong Kong Government committee 'B', which is concerned with technical matters arising in the formation of the new Hong Kong shipping register. In addition, the branch is also represented on the special working group set up to consider seafarers' licensing and certification. The terms of reference of the working group are:
To study and make recommendations to committee 'B' on the licensing and certification system for seagoing officers of the new shipping register in accordance with the general principles for the shipping register covering, in particular, the following areas:
1. Licences
(a) Criteria to he adopted for the recognition and licensing of foreign certificates of competency and recommendations on any specific foreign qualifications.
(b) Examination and licensing system for the issue of licences to holders of partially recognised foreign qualifications.
(c) Roles at,institutions offering conversion and upgrading courses in this examination and licensing system.
(d) Procedures for the assessment and monitoring of the standards of foreign certificates.
(e) Procedures for the issue and renewal of individual licences to individual seafarers.
(f) Criteria for the suspension and cancellation of licences.
(g) Procedures for the suspension and cancellation of licences.
2. Hong Kong Certificates of Competency
(a) Requirements for the issue of the Hong Kong Certificate and the standard of training. competency. etc.
(b) Procedures for the issue of a Hong Kong Certificate.
(c) Classes and grades of certificates.
(d) Examination system and roles of technical institution in the examination and certification system.
(e) Criteria and procedures for the suspension and cancellation of a certificate.
Seaways October 1988